Monday, November 15, 2010

♫♪ Full Moon Day ♫♪

Well well well..i guess most of you all sure thing that i'm talking about...the werewolf full moon right????
♫♪ werewolf + full moon???♫♪

Well oh the title i known it as full moon day...which is not a day for werewolf...but it's a Big Celebration  for all the Baby in the whole wide world which just reach 1 month^^
Yesterday night is my little niece (a boy)...full moon day^^
First of all....i wanted to wish him...Grow up fast and healthy and happy!!!!!!!
♫♪ This is today main character: Ronan Yap Jinn ♫♪

♫♪ Isn't he CUTE ?!? ♫♪
♫♪ Adorable ?!? ♫♪
During Full Moon Day...All the babies have to shave their hair
So...Ronan cannot be exceptional><
♫♪ Ronan: Am i handsome?!? ♫♪

♫♪ Ronan: Hey you...Stop starring at me@@ I'm not Epic either !!! or you just jealous that i become so handsome after shaving my hair???? Oh well...Thank you for your compliment><wakakaka♫♪

Well..let's back to the story...
After shaving...and cleaning up...
The baby need to pray for his/her own good^^
♫♪ Preparing for the prying session ♫♪

♫♪ Ronan's sister pray for herself and her little bro. too^^ ♫♪

At around 7 something and my family reach my Elder Brother's house for the full moon party^^
Here's some pictures to show the environment of Full Moon Party^^

These are the roughly environment pictures><hahaXD
Coming to the end..i have to show once more about our Main Character: Ronan Yap Jinn^^
♫♪ Ronan: Night and Sweet Dreams everyone^^ ♫♪
owner of the blog: Night and Sweet Dreams everyone^^
Hope you did enjoy your life and your day happily^^
Good Luck and Take care !!!!

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