Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A kiss can speak out your feeling to the other person...
A kiss can make you fall in love to someone...
A kiss can prove how much you love to someone....
A kiss is a start of relationship....
A kiss is a precious memory of a relationship....
A kiss may be a unforgotten memory for a past relationship....
A kiss may be a massage from you to your precious one...
A kiss maybe is not special for you...but for someone it might be a very preciou and special unforgotten memory...
A kiss can be a start of FRENCH KISS...
A FRENCH KISS is a start of making love...==
A FRENCH KISS is a start of getting hyper....==
A FRENCH KISS is a start of telling your precious one...how much you love him/her...
and how much u need him/her....
and how precious is he/her for you....

KISS.....FRENCH KISS....Have you tried before???whats your experience of it???
Many people....being a player in LOVE....
This kind of game known as LOVE GAME....
The rules of the game is no rules at all...
you may hurt anyone you like....you may do what you wish to do with the person ....
not need to care about anyone feelings....no guilty feelings....at the end just want to get what you want...which is.....HAPPY....FUN....EXCITED....
Why some of them before not a player but then decided to hurt the others became a cold blooded creatures??
Maybe before he/she been hurt by someone he/she trully love before....
Maybe he/she just used to play for fun....
Maybe he/she like the feeling of surrounded by a lot of lover....
Maybe he/she doesn't want to control by anyone coz of having a relationship....
Maybe he/she just want the feeling of being care by someone...
Maybe he/she just want to .......
There are so many excuses for you to do wrong things....what world is this???is so unfair to those people who being ture love to the others right??
But this is world...what world mean is unfair....
There is nothing fair and can be explain in fully logical...
Some people alw telling you something....at the end of the conversation got a sentence is' this is logical'....
Maybe is really a truth a logical thingy...but imagine that if someone more powerful or a full of knowledge profesor told you that...this not a logical...there is no logical....which means...normally people dont have their own thinking own opinion just follow the 'wind'.....the wind blow to east then run to east...wind blow to west run to west ....wind stop den stop....
The main thingy i wanted to prove not a bout is there any logic in this world ...
The thingy i want to prove is....
A kiss actually is also follow the 'wind'....
Let's looked back a hundred years before us....
In classical era....they called guys as gentleman...call girls as lady...
They cannot have any love actions or kissing in front of public....
But...when coming to Late romantic era....which means nearly to 20th century....
the traditional thinking of mostly people mind became open minded....they think that kissing in front of public not a big deal but simply kissing is a big deal...
Until now....many of us treat a KISS....NOT A BIG DEAL ANYMORE...
Coz is just A KISS.... NOT MAKING LOVE...DUDE.....
Even some of them....having sex for losing weight....
or having sex for curious or for fun....
So this means...if a person suggest a thingy and it supported by another person..the others will slowly slowly...follow....the foot steps....

Whats a kiss mean to me???
Actually.....a kiss for me really not a big deal....in western country....they kiss each other check as a hello or a goodbye kiss....Sometimes they also kiss mouth to mouth slightly....haha....shhhh><... How about french kiss?? French kiss.....i just will kiss with someone i like...i admire....i love...so what kind of person are you for me.....Find out by yourself^^.....

MMMUUUACCCCCCKKKKKKZZZZZ~~~Yeah. Babe ~~~!!! (hehe...)

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